Obama Forgives $7.7 Billion Dollars Of Student Loan Debt-Do You Qualify?

Obama Forgives $7.7 Billion Dollars Of Student Loan Debt-Do You Qualify?

Defaulted Student Loans 101-Here’s How To Get Out Of Default

Student loan counseling agency Student Loan Consultants providers borrowers with options to bring loans into good standing, restore financial health Unlike other kinds of debt, student loans are rarely discharged in bankruptcy. And, the federal government has the power to garnish wages, tax refunds and even Social Security to recoup payment.   We know how to… Continue reading Defaulted Student Loans 101-Here’s How To Get Out Of Default

Americans Who Moved to Europe and Went AWOL on Their Student Loans

It’s difficult to overstate how crushing America’s student loan debt situation is. The amount of money adults in the US owe due to educations is over $1.3 trillion and jumps up by more than $2,000 every second. The average borrower owes $28,000, though some owe much more than that. Many former students, trapped between low… Continue reading Americans Who Moved to Europe and Went AWOL on Their Student Loans

101 Student loan borrowers are caught off guard by tax refund offset for student loans

Step 1: Check Your Refund Status Before You File! 1-800-204-3107(IRS Hotline) Step 2: If you are on the tax off set list or you are behind on your student loans call Now! (727)767-0321 or contact us online  It’s that time of year again – tax time. While you may not look forward to the actual filing… Continue reading 101 Student loan borrowers are caught off guard by tax refund offset for student loans

Can Your Spouse’s Defaulted Student Loans Impact Your Tax Return?

Love may allow a spouse to turn a blind eye towards his or her partner’s defaulted federal student loans, but the IRS won’t be so forgiving. It’s likely the offending spouse will get his or her tax return garnished by the federal government to repay the debt, but there’s more. Uncle Sam may swoop in… Continue reading Can Your Spouse’s Defaulted Student Loans Impact Your Tax Return?

How and when to consolidate your student loans

Unlike other types of consumer debt, it’s impossible to refinance a federal student loan and have it stay a federal student loan. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton and others have proposed giving federal student loan borrowers the option to refinance their loans to take advantage of lower interest rates. MarketWatch and… Continue reading How and when to consolidate your student loans

How to Legally Ditch Your Student Loans

Heard of the “borrower defense” law? The federal government opened the door last year. Anyone with student debt will quickly find out it’s nearly impossible to escape. Begging or even bankruptcy won’t make the loans go away. Related Topics: Why is it so hard to settle student loan debt? Tax Season is here….are your student… Continue reading How to Legally Ditch Your Student Loans

What To Do If You Can’t Repay Your Student Loans

Student loan debt is a very real thing and many people are finding it hard to make their monthly payments. While it may seem like a daunting task, there are ways to make the repayment process work in your favor. Let’s take a look at some advice that can help you make those student loan payments. Don’t… Continue reading What To Do If You Can’t Repay Your Student Loans

I Defaulted on My Student Loans. Here’s What I Did to Get Back on Track

When I began taking out student loans for university, I had a fool-proof five-year plan for paying them off. I was going to go to graduate school, become an elementary school teacher, work in a high-needs public school for five years, and have the rest of my federal debt forgiven. Simple. If I stuck with… Continue reading I Defaulted on My Student Loans. Here’s What I Did to Get Back on Track

Defaulting on Student Loans Is Stupid, Not Brave

Today’s college graduates need to get the message that defaulting on federal student loans is not just stupid, it is unnecessary. That message easily could get lost in the controversy following a recent New York Times opinion piece, “Why I Defaulted on My Student Loans,” in which writer Lee Siegel not only defended his decision… Continue reading Defaulting on Student Loans Is Stupid, Not Brave